Project Gallery

Various screenshots of my work


Slippery Samurai

This game was made as part of my final project of the second year at university, entirely in C++ using my own engine built with DirectXTK.

I created a particle system, animation system, node-based menu system and much more for the game that I'm still proud of. This is a rough demo version that has since been improved as I intend to fully flesh out the game and release it!


This game was made as part of my final project of the first year at university, and won a prize at the end of year showcase. I learnt how to create AI using the NavMesh system in Unity, and honed my C# skills on this project.

I created a cool combo system, power-up system, and a unique UI display system for the game that I'm still quite happy with. I also made the music for this game!

Classic Snake C++

This game was made with SFML using C++, and in a way it served as my first foray into engine work as I created a state-machine to allow for different game states.

There isn't much going on mechanics-wise in this one, its the simple Snake we all know and love. One interesting thing I did under the hood was create a basic game state manager using smart pointers, as I had never really delved into modern STL until this project.